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Services - Social Media Marketing

Benefits of Having posts in Linked in

1. Publishing on LinkedIn provides more value to connections who view your profile.

2. Your connections are notified each time you publish a post on LinkedIn.

3. Your network can share your LinkedIn post, opening you up to a larger (and previously unreached) audience.

4. If your post is featured in LinkedIn Pulse, your potential reach is exponentially increased.

5. Publishing valuable content on LinkedIn positions you as an authority on your topic.

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Benefits of Having posts in Facebook

1.  Increased Exposure to Potential Customers

2. Gather More Leads

3. Reach a Targeted Audience via Facebook Ads

4. Build Brand Loyalty

5. Announce Events

8. Enable Check-Ins

Benefits of Having posts in Instagram

1.  Connect with customers

2.  Share your new products, new inventory, and more!

3. Reach new audiences

4. Fuel your other marketing channels

5. Generate sales

6. Increased Engagement

7. Attract engaged traffic: Build a community that comes back time and time again


Benefits of Having posts in Twitter

1. Reinforce (and expand) Your Personal Brand

2. Promote Content

3. Extend Audience – Find NEW Readers

4. Find Out What People REALLY Think

5. Twitter Gives EVERYONE And Anyone A Support Network

6. Twitter Lets You See What The WHOLE World Is Thinking & Doing

7. Twitter Gives You An Outlet Like No Other

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